Brubaker Family Reunions Over the Years
In the more recent years listed below click on the link to see additional information on that year’s reunion. We will add more information from the reunions over the years as we can.
2024 102 Homestead Village – Bachman Hall, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA; here, and on YouTube
2023 101 Homestead Village – Bachman Hall, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA; here, and on YouTube
2022 100 Shantz Mennonite Church, Baden, ON; here, and on YouTube
2021 99 Here, Facebook, and on YouTube
2020 98 Here, Facebook, and on YouTube
2019 97 Homestead Village – Bachman Hall, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2018 96 Homestead Village – Bachman Hall, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2017 95 Millersville University, Millersville, PA – 300th Anniversary Celebration 1717 — 2017
2016 94 Homestead Village – Bachman Hall, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2015 93 Parish Resource Center, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2014 92 Parish Resource Center, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2013 91 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2012 90 Church of the Apostles UCC, at the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2011 89 Church of the Apostles UCC, at the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2010 88 Church of the Apostles UCC, at the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2009 87 Church of the Apostles UCC, at the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2008 86 Church of the Apostles UCC, at the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2007 85 Church of the Apostles UCC, at the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2006 84 Church of the Apostles UCC, at the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2005 83 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2004 82 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2003 81 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2002 80 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2001 79 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
2000 78 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
1999 77 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
1998 76 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
1997 75 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
1996 74 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
1995 73 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
1994 72 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
1993 71 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
1992 70 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
1991 69 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
1990 68 Church of the Apostles UCC, on the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
1989 67 Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1988 66 Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1987 65 Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1986 64 Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1985 63 Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1984 62 Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1983 61 Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1982 60 Homestead Village, at the former ‘A’ Homestead farm, Lancaster, PA
1981 59 Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1980 58 Hershey Lodge and Convention Center, Hershey, Dauphin Co., PA
1979 57 Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1978 56 Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1977 55 Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1976 54 Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1975 53 Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1974 52 Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1973 51 Lititz Springs Park, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1972 50 Lititz Springs Park, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1971 49 Mount Lebanon Camp Meeting Grounds, Lebanon, Lebanon Co, PA
1970 48 Lancaster Farm & Home Center, Lancaster, PA
1969 47 Lancaster Farm & Home Center, Lancaster, PA
1968 46 Lititz Springs Park, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1967 45 Lititz Springs Park, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1966 44 Lititz Springs Park, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1965 43 Landisville Camp Meeting Grounds, Landisville, Lancaster Co., PA
1964 42 Landisville Camp Meeting Grounds, Landisville, Lancaster Co., PA
1963 41 Landisville Camp Meeting Grounds, Landisville, Lancaster Co., PA
1962 40 Mount Lebanon Camp Meeting Grounds, Lebanon, Lebanon Co, PA
1961 39 Mount Lebanon Camp Meeting Grounds, Lebanon, Lebanon Co, PA
1960 38 Manheim Brethren in Christ Church, Manheim, Lancaster Co., PA
1959 37 Lititz Springs Park, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1958 36 Lititz Springs Park, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1957 35 Landisville Camp Meeting Grounds, Landisville, Lancaster Co., PA
1956 34 Lititz Springs Park, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1955 33 Mount Lebanon Camp Meeting Grounds, Lebanon, Lebanon Co, PA
1954 32 Lititz Springs Park, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1953 31 Mount Lebanon Camp Meeting Grounds, Lebanon, Lebanon Co, PA
1952 30 Messiah College, Grantham, Cumberland Co, PA
1951 29 Lititz Springs Park, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1950 28 Mount Lebanon Camp Meeting Grounds, Lebanon, Lebanon Co, PA
1949 27 Lititz Springs Park, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1948 26 Lititz Springs Park, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1947 25 Mount Lebanon Camp Meeting Grounds, Lebanon, Lebanon Co, PA
1946 24 Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, PA
1945 No reunion due to World War II
1944 No reunion due to World War II
1943 No reunion due to World War II
1942 No reunion due to World War II
1941 23 Mount Lebanon Camp Meeting Grounds, Lebanon, Lebanon Co, PA
1940 22 Lititz Springs Park, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1939 21 Fairview Church of the Brethren, near Manheim, Lancaster Co., PA
1938 20 Mount Hope Church of the Brethren, near Manheim, Lancaster Co., PA
1937 19 Mount Lebanon Camp Meeting Grounds, Lebanon, Lebanon Co, PA
1936 18 Messiah Bible College, Grantham, Cumberland Co, PA
1935 17 Lititz Springs Park, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1934 16 Midway Church of the Brethren, Lebanon, Lebanon Co., PA
1933 15 Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, Lancaster Co., PA
1932 14 Lititz Springs Park, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1931 13 Lititz Springs Park, Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1930 12 Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, Lancaster Co., PA
1929 11 Heidelburg Church of the Brethren, near Schaefferstown, Lebanon Co., PA
1928 10 Messiah Bible College, Grantham, Cumberland Co, PA
1927 9 Memorial Park, Martinsburg, Blair Co., PA
1926 8 Grove of Mrs. Fannie Brubaker Lamb, near Luray, VA
1925 7 Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, Lancaster Co., PA
1924 6 J. Clayton Brubaker ‘Spruce Villa Farm’, northeast of Lititz, Lancaster Co., PA
1923 5 Victoria Park, Kitchener, ON
1922 4 Grove of Mrs. Fannie Brubaker Lamb, near Luray, VA
1921 3 Joseph Y. Brubaker farm, Buffalo Springs, Lebanon Co., PA
1920 2 Joint Brubaker – Hershey Family Reunion, Levi H. Brubaker farm, near Lancaster, PA
1919 1 Joint Brubaker – Hershey Family Reunion, Menno H. Brubaker farm, near
…………Brickerville, Lancaster Co., PA