I Remember, I Remember
By Minnie Hite Moody, The Advocate, Newark, Ohio | August 1, 1977 |
The annual Brubaker, Brubacker, Brubacher, Brewbaker reunion is to be held on Sunday, August 7, at the Middle Creek Church of the Brethren, Route 4, Lititz, Pennsylvania. As you see, however you spell your name, you will be welcome. This is one of the major family reunions, drawing Brubackers from all parts of the country. I am not a Brubaker, but in the course of correspondence with what our Frederick County, Va., Hites call the “Page County Hites” I have made the acquaintance of Brubakers whose ancestors have married into both factions of Hites, who are unrelated.
Most, if not all, of the Hites in Licking, Perry, and Fairfield counties, Ohio, descend from the Page County Hites. They are not kin to me, though they are good people and I should be happy to claim them. Nor am I a Brubaker, but just the same I get invited to the Brubaker reunion. However, there are Brubakers in Newark and elsewhere…
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