About Us

The Brubaker Families of America is a PA not-for-profit entity with a Board of Directors.  At one time known as the Eastern PA Brubaker Association, the name eventually was changed to the Brubaker Families of America.

1925 family reunion

7th annual Brubaker Family   Reunion, Elizabethtown, PA, 1925.  
Photo courtesy Frank Hess

Originally started in 1919 as a joint family reunion between the Brubaker Family and the Hershey Family, this reunion was jointly held between the two families for only two years.  After that, the family reunion was only of the Brubaker Family, starting in 1921.

Save for a four year interruption during World War II, the Brubaker Family Reunion has continued annually over the decades.

Our Board of Directors is as follows:

Doug Brubaker, Lancaster, PA……………………………………………………………………………President
Roger Brubaker, Lancaster, PA……………………………………………………………………Vice-President
Robert Brubaker, Landisville, PA…………………………………………………………………………Secretary
Jim Brubaker, Lititz, PA………………………………………………………………………………………Treasurer
Elaine Renkin, Levittown, PA……………………………………………………………………………….Historian

Dr. J. Kenneth Brubaker, MD, President Emeritus, Mount Joy, PA  
Martin Brubaker, Hagerstown, MD                            LuAnn Fahndrich, Mount Joy, PA
Laura Geiger, Spring City, PA                                        Stanley and Ely Stauffer, Lititz, PA

We also have the following sub-committees:

  • Hospitality & Publicity Committee
  • History & Genealogy Committee
  • Cemetery Committee
  • Special Events Committee
  • Book committee to update the Gibble genealogy (last published in the 1950’s)

Looking for Volunteers

Do you have an interest in history and genealogy, especially Brubacher-Brubaker history?  If so, we’d love to chat with you.  Fill out the form below and we will follow up with you soon!  We’re always looking for new cousins to join us in our efforts.

  • We will contact you soon and share with you more about the Association and what we do.
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